Research Publications

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Journal entries from our PJP community are already helping illuminate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the everyday lives of people around the world.

Below is a growing list of research publications produced using data from the growing PJP archive. If you need help accessing an article, email us at to request a PDF.


1. "Journaling and Mental Health During COVID-19: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project." 2022. Social Science & Medicine-Mental Health. Guest editors: Katherine A. Mason, Sarah S. Willen, & Heather M. Wurtz.

2. "Student Experiences of Covid-19 around the Globe: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project." (2024) Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. Guest editors: Heather M. Wurtz, Sarah S. Willen, & Katherine A. Mason.

Peer-reviewed articles
