Journal entries from our PJP community are already helping illuminate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the everyday lives of people around the world.
Below is a growing list of research publications produced using data from the growing PJP archive. If you need help accessing an article, email us at to request a PDF.
1. "Journaling and Mental Health During COVID-19: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project." 2022. Social Science & Medicine-Mental Health. Guest editors: Katherine A. Mason, Sarah S. Willen, & Heather M. Wurtz.
- Wurtz, Heather M., Sarah S. Willen, and Katherine A. Mason. 2022. “Introduction: Journaling and Mental Health during COVID-19: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project.” SSM - Mental Health. 2: 100141.
- Larotonda, Alice & Katherine A. Mason. 2022. "New life, new feelings of loss: Journaling new motherhood during Covid-19." SSM - Mental Health. 2: 100120.
- Kalinowski Jolaade, Madeline Baird, Heather M. Wurtz, Sarah S. Willen. 2022. "Shouldering the load yet again: Black women’s experiences of stress during COVID-19." SSM - Mental Health. 2: 100140.
- Ansari, David. 2022. "An Accumulation of Distress: Grief, Loss, and Isolation among Healthcare Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic." SSM - Mental Health. 2: 100146.
- Baines, Kristina. 2022. “'It’s normal to admit you’re not okay': New York City college students shaping mental health through journaling." SSM - Mental Health 2, 100119.
- Parson, Nia, Heather M. Wurtz, Megan Lowry, C. Santos. 2022. "'Life will go on with the beauty of the roses”: The moral dimensions of coping With distress through autobiographical writing during Covid-19." SSM - Mental Health 2, 100156.
- Parsons, Michelle. A., 2022. “'I miss my friends, but I also miss strangers': Pandemic loneliness and the importance of place and practice." SSM - Mental Health 2, 100121.
- Willen, Sarah S., 2022. “'Languishing' in critical perspective: Roots and routes of a traveling concept in COVID-19 times." SSM - Mental Health 2, 100128.
2. "Student Experiences of Covid-19 around the Globe: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project." (2024)
- Wurtz, Heather M., Sarah S. Willen, and Katherine A. Mason. (2024) “Introduction: Student Experiences of Covid-19 around the Globe: Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Flores, Andrea and Katherine A. Mason. (2023) “'You would think she would hug me': Micropractices of Care between First-generation College Students and their Parents during Covid-19.
” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. - Mason, Katherine A. and Jianmei Xie (2024) “Seesaw Precarity: Journaling Anxious Hope on a Chinese University Campus During COVID-19.”
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. Willen, Sarah S., Michael Ennis-McMillan, and Kristina Baines. (2023) “Cultivating Voice and Solidarity in Times of Crisis: Ethnographic Online Journaling as a Pedagogical Tool.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. doi: 10.1007/s11013-023-09832-6. Wurtz, Heather M., Maria Hernandez, and Madeline Baird. (2023) “Thriving Despite the Odds: Digital Capital and Reimagined Life Projects Among Mexican College Students During COVID‑19.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. doi: 10.1007/s11013-023-09839-z.
- Trok, Lorato and Nancy J. Jacobs. (2024) "Reaching Out from Lockdown: A Writing Group for Young Black South Africans."
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. - Vicente da Silva, Renan, Carlos Eduardo Assunção Alves, Mayana Ribeiro Montenario, and Laura Rebecca Murray. (2024)
“ Writing to Create, Mend, and Rebel: Three Reflections on Journaling as Escrevivência for Afro-Brazilian Public University Students during COVID-19.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. - Márquez Rodríguez, Cristopher Bogart. (2024)
“The Eschucha (Listen) Podcast Project: Psycho-social Innovation for Marginalized Mexican Youth and Young Adults .” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry.
- Wurtz, Heather M., Andrea Flores, Sarah S. Willen, and Katherine A. Mason. (forthcoming) “Engaging Immigrant Women in Online Journaling as a Mode of Research and Psychosocial Support: Lessons Learned.” Practicing Anthropology.
- Mason, Katherine A., Heather M. Wurtz, Sofia Boracci, and Sarah S. Willen. 2024. “Assembling vaccine perspectives: Vaccination and moral self-talk in the journals of white US mothers during Covid-19.” Social Science & Medicine—Qualitative Research.
- Parsons,
Michelle Anne, Katherine A. Mason, Heather M. Wurtz, and Sarah S. Willen. 2024. “ 'I want the world back': Pandemic loneliness, bodies, and places.” Ethos. - Wurtz, Heather M. 2022.
“ Journaling as a rights-based intervention during pandemic times: An interview with the creators of the Pandemic Journaling Project.” Journal of Human Rights.- In Portuguese: Wurtz, Heather M. 2023.
“ ‘Journaling’ como uma intervenção baseada em direitos em tempos de pandemia: Uma entrevista com Sarah S. Willen e Katherine A. Mason, criadoras do Projeto Diário da Pandemia (Pandemic Journaling Project.” Transl: Thayane Brêtas de Araujo. Metaxy. 4(1): 156-165. - In Spanish: Wurtz, Heather M. (2023). "Entrevista con las creadoras del Proyecto Diarios de la Pandemia." Transl: Ana Pérez. Estudios Sociológicos De El Colegio De México. 41(123): 867–882.
- In Portuguese: Wurtz, Heather M. 2023.
- Willen, Sarah S., Sebastian Wogenstein, and Katherine A. Mason. 2020.
“ Everyday Disruptions and Jewish Dilemmas: Preliminary Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project.” Jewish Social Studies. 26(1). 192-212.