Amina Patricia Anekwe

My name is Amina Patricia Anekwe; I am a rising Junior studying Sociology and English and Presidential Honor Scholar at the NYU College of Arts in Sciences. I was born and raised in West Orange, New Jersey. I am a first generation-American from Jamaica and Nigeria. I am passionate about making education more comprehensive and holistic, so that young black girls like me can grow up feeling empowered with the knowledge of how the world came to be and knowing the possibility they have to make a difference. I am an undergraduate research assistant under Dr. Lauren Mims’ Homeplace Research Collective at the NYU Applied Psychology Department. I also serve as the youth representative on GrassROOTS Community Foundation’s Menstrual Equity Council. Recently what brings me joy is meeting and getting exposed to people of all different cultural backgrounds and comparing our disparate experiences. Fun facts: I love learning languages I speak 3.5! I love television 🙂

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