Lead sponsors of the Pandemic Journaling Project include Global Affairs, the Provost's Office, the Human Rights Institute, the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Humanities Institute, UConn-Hartford, InCHIP (Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy), and the Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut and the Population Studies Training Center, Office of the Vice President for Research, and Department of Anthropology at Brown University. A full sponsor list is below.
At the University of Connecticut:
- Global Affairs
- Office of the Vice President for Research
- Provost's Office
- Schools & Campuses
- Centers, Institutes, & Programs
- Aetna Chair of Writing
- Africana Studies Institute
- American Studies
- Asian and Asian American Studies Institute
- Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life
- Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development
- Dodd Human Rights Impact
- Human Rights Institute
- Humanities Institute
- El Instituto - Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
- InCHIP - Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy
- Research Program on Global Health & Human Rights @HRI
- Undergraduate Programs
At Brown University:
- Population Studies Training Center
- Department of Anthropology
- Office of the Vice President for Research, Humanities Research Funds
- Humanities Research Funds
- Undergraduate Teaching and Research Awards
At Trinity College: