Rehnuma Khan

Rehnuma Khan is a a first-year M.D. candidate at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (’26). She earned a master’s degree in Sociomedical Science at Columbia University (’21) and a bachelor’s in Biology at Barnard College (’19). Her research ranges from cellular signaling pathways to clinical and surgical cardiothoracic- and neuro-oncology, as well as exploring health disparities and outcomes among underprivileged and immigrant communities. She is the Patient Advocate Coordinator at the ECHO Free Clinic, which aims to provide cost-free and comprehensive primary care to the uninsured population in the Bronx and beyond, and a co-founder and vice president of the Einstein chapter of Physicians for Human Rights. She aspires to bridge the bench to the bedside in clinical practice to contend with socioeconomic inequality in healthcare. In her free time, she enjoys completing Sudoku puzzles, exploring the diversity of cuisines and cultures in the NYC metropolitan area, photography, and she is a huge cinephile.

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